Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt +20 1061 906 688
HVAC Works
Advanced Go single loop fire alarm panel from the front

Central Packages

packaged HVAC unit comprises everything involved in a central air system in one unit placed outside the home.

Chiller System

Chillers use a refrigerant gas to move the unwanted heat between the evaporator and the condenser.
An example of our customised fire panels

DX System

the evaporator is placed inside the space to be cooled. The refrigerant enters the DX cooling coils, where it absorbs the heat from the air and transforms to a gas.
AxisGo panel and various compatible devices including wired and wireless detectors, sounder and call point

Smoke Control System

Smoke control system is a system that controls the movement of smoke and air in a building. It can be made up of multiple different components and use several methods to achieve its design objective, which is typically to maintain a tenable environment long enough for all occupants to egress the building.
Axis EN family of panels with devices

Ventilation System

Use of various technologies to control the temperature, humidity, and purity of the air in an enclosed space. Its goal is to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality.